Thursday, October 15, 2015

Blogger Linda Ikeji aquires New Multimillion Naira Mansion

Linda Ikeji’s younger sister, Laura Ikeji, announced on her Instagram page that her sister (Linda Ikeji) has just acquired a new mansion. According to Laura, she claimed it was a surprise and unexpected.
Laura wrote:
“@officiallindaikeji just proved that impossible is nothing. Haaaaaaaaaaaa still in shock!!!! #newmansion #luxurylife #thebiggesthouseiveseeninmyife Instagram isn’t ready #worrydemmodeactivated new neighborhood guys!!! I’m still in shock. Thank you God. Na You ☝ -”

Linda is really balling, according to a close source, I was told Linda Ikeji earns more than N40M monthly from AdSense revenue alone. Congrats to her!!!

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